Analysis Service Request

If you have finished or are about to finish the sample collection phase of your project and would like to start analyzing them, fill out the following sample submission form.

Please use the following sheet when submitting samples for analysis:    Sample_Submission_Inventory


Submission for BBL Analysis

Use acronyms if title of project is too long not more than 7 characters. We will use this to keep track of your samples in our inventory system.
Required if the person requesting the analysis is someone other than the PI; for example an RA, GA, someone else linked to the project
Required if the person requesting the analysis is someone other than the PI; for example an RA, GA, someone else linked to the project
KFS number if internal submission, account number at your institution if external submission
If we need to send the invoice to someone in your financial office at your institution or department other than the UConn School of Nursing, include their information here.
Analysis Requested:(Required)
Max. file size: 250 MB.
Upload the completed sample submission inventory spreadsheet. Download the template from the link found at the top of this page. Please save this file as ProjectName_PILastName_Date.
All samples derived from human subjects being submitted to the Biobehavioral Research Lab must be covered by an approved and active IRB protocol and samples must be de-identified. Check the options that apply to you:(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.